We had a busy weekend. A week ago I started washing rugs, and I continued doing this both Saturday and Sunday. Our attic had a considerable pile of old rugs, several of which after a thorough lathering qualify for my seal of approval. Although, I have to admit that the big, heavy ones in dark brown and orange have been passed on to charity. I was surprised that they didn't try to charge me anything for bringing them in. In other words, they were ugly. These ones a nicer:

We had +30 degrees Celsius in the shade yesterday. It was so hot that I didn't feel bad at all about working on some things inside the house. Mostly, we're trying to get the house ready before our summer holiday. These pictures show some details inside. For instance, our new table and chairs. The seats are being upholstered and should be done next week. I'll post another picture of the chairs when they're done. Anyway, I prefer old furniture to new, but we made an exception with the table and chairs. Mostly because it is difficult to find a decent sized table that is old. And buying new was cheaper than spending on antique gustavian chairs. I painted the chairs and the frame of the table with a light grey linseed (oil) paint. The top is waxed twice. It turned out nice and the wax brings out the redness of the wood (Alnus glutinosa).

We haven't heated the stove for about a month now. I think it was mid-May when we last had a fire going, and that was mostly to dry up the room when it felt damp after heavy rains. This is a pic of the big stove.

And here's a closeup from the kitchen window. We have at least 20 different kinds of geraniums. Some specially ordered from abroad. Still, the simplest and most traditional ones are my favorites, such as this one.

We missed the poppies. They roof of the house comes out so far that rain water does not reach the ground in which they grow. We failed to realize this in time to water them. The poppies suffered greatly from the sunny heat wave of the past week. Shame. Still, there are other joys in our garden. Have a good week!

1 kommentar:
Lovely table and chairs - and delightfully prepared! Lyckans ostar som har en gammal fin vedugn, både för bak och uppvärmning. Torpet har minnsann visat sig vara ett veritabelt fynd.
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